Troubleshooting Guide

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Local Trade Copier EA MT4©

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Local Trade Copier EA MT5©

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Check out the Free Demo Version of Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5©

Start by downloading the free demo versions here:  MT4  or  MT5

Next, place the downloaded files into your MT4/5 >> File >> Open Data Folder >> MQL4/5 >> Experts folder, and restart your terminal.

Watch the quick setup video below, then follow the same steps in your demo accounts to experience Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© before purchasing. The demo version operates fully for 4 hours at a time on demo accounts only. To reset the trial period, go to MT4/5 >> Tools >> Global Variables >> Ctrl + A >> Delete. Please perform this on a non-essential demo account only and avoid doing so on a challenge prop firm account. 

Download the Free Demo Versions of Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5©

Important !!!

Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© Troubleshooting Guide

Within this guide, you'll find the most common setups for Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© along with solutions to various issues that users have experienced. Thousands of users successfully rely on Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5©, so if something isn’t working correctly, it’s likely a setup issue. Most frequent issues and their solutions are detailed below, but if your concern isn’t addressed, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help and can check your setup via Anydesk if needed. 

You can contact me on my MQL5 profile at or via email: 

To ensure smooth setup, make sure to carefully review the How to Install guide and Settings - Inputs guide. 

How to Fix Copying Problems with Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5©

Follow these steps carefully:

Try these additional steps if the issue remains unresolved:

Still facing issues?
Check the Journal and Experts tabs of your receiver terminal for error messages. Share full screenshots of both terminals (with Marketwatch visible) and your receiver settings as a set file.

Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© Quick Setup Video

Key Note: On the transmitter account side, you only need to fill out the two settings shown in the screenshot below. All other settings belong to the receiver account side. Altering other settings in the transmitter account is pointless and will not work! 

On the transmitter account side, you only need to fill out the two settings shown in the screenshot below

What to Do When Both Accounts are from the Same Broker, and You Only Have One Terminal? 

To copy trades between transmitter and receiver accounts from the same broker, you must install an additional MT4/5 terminal from that broker on your Windows PC or VPS. Download the terminal’s installation .exe file from the broker’s website and select a unique destination folder in the Program Files directory for this second terminal during installation. This setup ensures you can run both accounts simultaneously. 

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1 Trade from Transmitter Duplicates as Multiple Trades on Receiver

If you notice multiple copied trades in your receiver account(s), it’s likely due to having multiple instances of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© attached on different charts in either the transmitter or receiver terminal. 

Attach only one Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© to one chart (any symbol) on the transmitter account, and only one on a chart (any symbol) on the receiver account to ensure all trades are copied correctly. 

Refer to the quick setup video, especially after 1:30 for suffixes and the third part for copying special symbols. 

Why Receiver Trades Close Immediately 

This issue often arises when multiple Local Trade Copier EAs MT4/5© are attached to different charts in the transmitter or receiver terminal, or when another copier or multiplier EA is active in the receiver terminal. Ensure that only one Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© is running on a single chart (any symbol) in the receiver terminal. Check the Experts tab logs of the receiver account for more information. 

Copying Signal Subscription Trades Not Allowed 

MetaQuotes has recently implemented a restriction preventing the copying and multiplying of trades from signal subscriptions. This change affects the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5©, and any other copier tools, rendering them unable to copy or multiply trades from signal subscriptions. 

Read more details here:

Terminal: MQL5 functions related to trading and history will be blocked when a signal subscription is active on the account. Any signal subscription will prohibit the use of MQL5 trading functions, including order retrieval, trade history, and execution. 

VPS Rounding Error 

A known bug with certain VPS setups affects the MathRound function, resulting in a lot size defaulting to 0.01. This problem is linked to the physical CPU of the VPS. Changing to another processor within the same server often fixes the issue, as reported by users. It’s a good idea to avoid VPS configurations where this error occurs.

Ask your current provider for a new server before switching to another VPS service. The issue might only exist with specific CPUs from the same provider. Testing your copier setup on a home computer or a different VPS can also help pinpoint the issue.

More details can be found here: 

Resolving Copying Delays and Missing Trades 

The Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© is designed for rapid trade execution, completing trades in less than 0.5 seconds when conditions are favorable. These conditions include strong network connectivity and sufficient hardware resources.

If you notice delays or missing trades, the issue may stem from poor communication between terminals or inadequate system capacity. Frozen charts indicate that your setup needs upgrading.

Recommended VPS specifications:

Additional VPS considerations:

Explore VPS options at:

By optimizing these settings, you can avoid delays and missing trades.

Copying Between 1 Transmitter and 1 Receiver Without Suffixes 

Watch this video for a simple 1 transmitter to 1 receiver setup where no suffixes are present in the account symbols. A symbol suffix is any additional letter or group of letters at the end of a symbol, such as '.r' in EURUSD.r. 

Copy Setup with 1 Transmitter and 1 Receiver - Transmitter Symbols with .r Suffix 

In this video, we show a basic 1 Transmitter to 1 Receiver setup, where the transmitter account has a .r suffix on its symbols. The suffix is automatically mapped, so no further configuration is required. A suffix is an extra letter or group of letters at the end of a symbol, such as '.r' in EURUSD.r. The automatic mapping only works for suffixes with a dot, like EURUSD.r, but not for EURUSDecn or EURUSD+. 

1 Transmitter to 1 Receiver Setup - Transmitter Account with Non-Dot Suffix 

Watch this video to learn how to configure a simple 1 Transmitter to 1 Receiver setup when the transmitter account symbols have a + suffix. In this case, you will need to input the + suffix from the transmitter symbols into the Suffix of the Transmitter Account setting on the receiver account. A suffix is typically a set of letters added to the end of a symbol, like .r in EURUSD.r. 

1 Transmitter to 1 Receiver Setup - Receiver Account with Suffix 

In this video, you’ll watch a simple 1 Transmitter to 1 Receiver setup when the receiver account symbols have a suffix. The suffix of the receiver account symbols must be input into the Suffix of the Receiver Account setting of the receiver account. A suffix is a letter or set of letters added at the end of a symbol, like .r in EURUSD.r. 

Copy from 1 Transmitter Account to 1 Receiver Account - Automatically Mapped Same Suffix 

In this video, you will see a 1 Transmitter to 1 Receiver account setup where both accounts use the same symbol with the same suffix (EURUSD.r). The suffix is mapped automatically, allowing for smooth trade copying. If the suffix is not automatically mapped, you will need to manually add the .r suffix in the Receiver Account settings. This issue can arise with brokers offering multiple symbol sets. 

Suffix of the Receiver Account: .r

The suffix is the extra part added to the symbol, such as .r in EURUSD.r. 

Copy from 1 Transmitter Account to 1 Receiver Account - Resolving Different Suffix Issues 

This video guides you through a setup involving transmitter and receiver accounts that use different suffixes. For instance, the transmitter has a + suffix, and the receiver has a .r suffix. Both suffixes should be input in the Suffix of the Transmitter Account and Suffix of the Receiver Account fields within the receiver's setup. A suffix is any letters added to a symbol’s end, like the .r in EURUSD.r. Keep in mind that transmitter suffixes with a dot, such as EURUSD.r, are mapped automatically, but suffixes like EURUSDecn or EURUSD+ require manual entry. 

Copy from 1 Transmitter to 2 Receivers, Dot Suffix on Transmitter Account 

This setup video features 1 transmitter account and 2 receiver accounts. The transmitter account has symbols ending with the .r suffix, which are automatically mapped to the receiver accounts without requiring manual input. A suffix refers to letters added at the end of a symbol, such as the .r in EURUSD.r. Note that automatic suffix mapping works only for dot-based suffixes like EURUSD.r, not for alternatives such as EURUSDecn or EURUSD+. 

Copy from 1 Transmitter to 2 Receivers, One Receiver Uses a Suffix 

Here, you’ll see how to configure 1 transmitter account and 2 receiver accounts, where one of the receiver accounts has a suffix. The suffix must be set in the Suffix of the Receiver Account field for proper operation. For example, the suffix in EURUSD.r is the .r appended to the symbol. 

Copy Setup: 2 Transmitter Accounts to 1 Receiver Account, 1 with Suffix 

Here, a configuration with 2 transmitter accounts and 1 receiver account is presented. One transmitter account includes a .r suffix in its symbols, which is automatically mapped to the receiver account, requiring no manual settings. A suffix is an additional letter or set of letters at the end of a symbol, like the .r in EURUSD.r. Note that automatic suffix mapping is only available for dot-prefixed suffixes such as EURUSD.r and does not apply to suffixes like EURUSDecn or EURUSD+. 

Copy from 2 Transmitter Accounts to 1 Receiver Account, with Receiver Suffix 

Here, you’ll see a setup involving 2 transmitter accounts and 1 receiver account. The suffix used by the receiver account symbols must be added to the Suffix of the Receiver Account setting. For example, in EURUSD.r, the suffix is .r. 

Copying from 2 Transmitter Accounts to 2 Receiver Accounts 

In this video, you’ll learn how to configure a basic copying setup involving two transmitter accounts and two receiver accounts. 

Copying Fails Due to Receiver Account in Investor Mode 

This video highlights an attempt to copy trades from a transmitter to a receiver account. The process initially failed because the receiver account was logged into with the investor password, which provides view-only access. When the user logged in using the master password and re-enabled the Auto/Algo trading button (disabled because of the password change), the copying functioned correctly. 

No Copying - When Brokers Are Scammers! 

Many traders have fallen victim to scams involving brokers such as LegoMarket, MaxGlobal, Zentrade, GlobalPremier, HanjuGlobal, and AlfaSuccessCorp. These brokers fabricate trade histories to deceive traders into depositing funds, only for them to lose their money later. bans such brokers from publishing signals. If trades aren’t copied, the fault is not with your Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© but with the scam. Exercise caution with brokers promising unbelievable trading success. 

3-Account Configuration: 2nd Account as Receiver and Transmitter 

This video explains how to set up 3 accounts. The 1st account sends trades to the 2nd, which receives and then transmits to the 3rd. The 2nd account requires 2 Local Trade Copier EAs MT4/5© on two different charts. 

Configuring Copying of Indexes with Suffix and Symbol Differences 

This video demonstrates 1 Transmitter Account copying US stock market indexes to 2 Receiver accounts with distinct configurations. The 1st receiver account has a .r suffix for US500 and US30, which must be set in the Suffix of the Receiver Account. The 2nd receiver account uses SPX500 and WS30 instead, requiring these symbols to be configured in the Special Symbols section. 

Mapping Stocks Between Brokers with Special Symbols Feature 

Discover in this video how to copy stocks between brokers using the Special Symbols setup in Local Trade Copier EA MT5. The transmitter Tesla stock, TSLA.NAS, is automatically mapped to the receiver account because of its dot suffix. For ABBV.NYSE, the receiver’s Special Symbols settings are applied to align it correctly with the ABBVIE receiver broker symbol. 

How to Exclude Magic Numbers from Copying 

This video explains the process of stopping trades with specific magic numbers from being copied to the receiver account. These trades may come from an EA or another tool with a distinct magic number. You can identify the magic number by hovering over the trade’s ticket number in the Trade or Trading History tab (Expert ID) of the transmitter account. Initially, trades from the Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 are copied. Once the magic number is added to the Magic Numbers Not to Copy setting, new trades from this expert are not copied. 

Managing Symbols Not to Copy 

Learn in this video how to exclude specific symbols from being copied to the receiver account. At first, a trade is opened on the transmitter and successfully copied to the receiver, but after including the symbol in the Symbols Not to Copy list, it is no longer copied. 

Overriding Universal Multipliers for Specific Symbols 

This setting allows you to specify custom multipliers for particular symbols on the receiver account, overriding the universal multiplier. 

Overriding Universal Multipliers for Specific Symbols

How to Move an MT4/5 Trade Copier Setup to a New Computer 

To transfer your MT4/5 transmitter and receiver terminals to another computer or VPS with open trades intact:

This process guarantees that your transmitter to receiver trade copying will function as before on the new system.

How to Move an MT4/5 Trade Copier Setup to a New Computer

Relocating MT4/5 Transmitter to MT5 Receiver Setup to Another Computer/VPS 

If you’re moving your MT4/5 transmitter and MT5 receiver setup with open trades to a new computer or VPS, here’s how to do it while keeping trade copying functional:

Relocating MT4/5 Transmitter to MT5 Receiver Setup to Another Computer/VPS

Enable Copying for Deriv Volatility Indexes with Lot Sizes as Small as 0.001 

If your goal is to copy Deriv Volatility Index trades with a lot size of 0.001 or smaller, you need to adjust four important settings to 0.0001. The set file to facilitate this setup is available here.

Enable Copying for Deriv Volatility Indexes with Lot Sizes as Small as 0.001

Error of Setting Timer in MT4

This error may occur when you attempt to attach the Local Trade Copier EA MT4© to a chart in your MT4 terminal, causing the EA to fail initialization and be removed from the chart. The issue is related to the MT4 terminal itself and not the Local Trade Copier EA MT4©. To resolve it, restart your MT4 terminal and reattach the EA. If the problem continues, restart your computer or VPS, reopen the terminal, and reapply the EA. 

Error of Setting Timer in MT4

Trade is Disabled

This message in the Experts tab of your receiver MT4/5 Terminal/Toolbox window may indicate:

Suffix of the Receiver Account: .r

Trade is Disabled

Unknown Error

When you encounter this error in the Experts tab of your MT4/5 Terminal/Toolbox, restarting your computer or VPS and reattaching the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© may resolve it. If it doesn’t, your broker may have applied specific limitations. This error is prevalent in prop firm accounts, which often exclude expert advisors to mandate manual trading practices or competition standards. 

Unknown Error

Error: initialization failed with code 0

This error message appears in your MT4/5 terminal’s Journal tab log after an OS update, prompting a reinstallation of your Market purchases.

To resolve it, log into your MQL5 account from the MT4/5 platform via Tools >> Options >> Community. Go to the Market tab (MT4) or Market folder under Navigator (MT5) to locate your purchases, and click Install to reinstall them. 

Error 12152

The error code [12152] reflects a network-related issue preventing the download of your product.
Resolution steps:

Error 1003

Follow these steps to resolve this error:

Error 500

An Error 500 typically refers to server issues, such as server overload, maintenance, or a temporary outage of the MQL5 Market servers.
To address the issue, follow these steps:

Initializing Failed with Code 1

Check if you’re logged into your MQL5 account before installing the product. Install the product through the Market tab in MT4/5 (MT4: Purchased, MT5: Navigator >> Market >> My Purchases) instead of using ex4/5 files from another terminal.

You must remain logged into your MQL5 account for everything to work properly.

After logging in, restart the MT5 terminal and test the setup again.

If the error persists, uninstall MT5, download the proper MT5 version from your broker’s website, reinstall your Market purchases, and set up the EA once more. 

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Local Trade Copier EA MT4©

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Local Trade Copier EA MT5©

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Need assistance?

Send us a message on our contact page, and we’ll get back to you promptly. 

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